The initial costs of a workplace accident may not seem like much money, but the extra expenses to pay for any resulting injuries can have a powerfully negative effect on your restaurant’s bottom line.
Every time a worker gets hurt on the job, other employees are affected, too. The company may be forced to make difficult budget decisions, such as cutting hours or jobs, and some employees will need to work extra hours to make up for the injured employee’s lost time.
Though operating at a profit is essential to success, a restaurant’s top priority should be to keep employees safe and healthy. That’s why employees should practice good safety principles, including following all safety procedures, even if they seem unnecessary or slow them down. Safe work behavior will contribute directly to a company’s bottom line, as well as to everyone’s job security.
Please know that we are here to guide you through the confusing maze of insurance options to find the right fit for you, your family, and your business. If you have any questions or need more information on this issue, please contact us.